The successful re-accreditation of the Bariatric Surgery Programs at Jeanes and Temple University Hospitals reminded me of the importance of quality healthcare. Often, when affected by ailments, we visit our doctors. On occasion, we require medication or surgical procedures. Most of those times, our minds become overwhelmed with the “what if” related to the condition, […]

Value-based care is a healthcare model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, are reimbursed based on patient health outcomes. Within value-based care agreements, providers are incentivized to help patients improve their health, lower the impact and incidence of chronic disease, and lead healthier lives. There is currently a major emphasis by both governmental (Medicare […]
Obesity in America is a growing concern within the last several decades. With over 40% of the American population considered obese, bariatric surgeons and medical specialists are beginning to treat this condition as a disease and an epidemic that must be dealt with. Obesity is a significant driver of healthcare costs and can negatively impact […]
Obesity is impacting the healthcare system in many ways. Obesity is a significant driver of healthcare costs and can negatively impact a patient’s overall quality of life. Studies show obesity can reduce a patient’s life expectancy up to 10 years and significantly increases the risk for numerous leading causes of death, including diabetes, heart disease, […]
Obesity is a significant driver of healthcare costs and negatively impacts the bariatric market. Obesity is associated with leading causes of death, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers and is the gateway to about 60 other health conditions. This results in health plans and systems having a higher cost of care when treating […]